pastry craftsmen

We are the sixth generation of pastry chefs and the creators of the famous Coca de Llavaneres

Coca de Llavaneres - La Original

La auténtica y original Coca de Llavaneres. Creada por el maestro pastelero Gaspar Sala i Ros (1955). Rellena de crema pastelera infusionada con canela y limón, hojaldre de mantequilla, mazapán, piñones del país y azúcar.

Comprar Coca de Llavaneres

pastry shop room

Pastry craftsmen since 1867 

pastry cookies

pastry cookies Cokes from Llavaneres. The traditional, cream and pine nuts Of... 

  • Coca of Llavaneres

    Creators of the Coca de Llavaneres , the original. Filled with pastry cream with reduced marzipan, puff pastry and pine nuts from the country.

  • modern

    Our workshop maintains tradition, with love in the products and raw materials, with the best modern and current techniques

  • Variety

    Try the different versions of cocas that we offer you: the traditional cream, chocolate, apple and more